Loan Period |
3 weeks Long-term loans available upon request |
Maximum Number | Unlimited |
Renewals |
3 weeks, unlimited Items that have a hold aren't renewable. |
Loan Period |
3 weeks Long-term loans available upon request. |
Maximum Number | Unlimited |
Renewals |
3 weeks, unlimited Items that have a hold aren't renewable. |
These items are set aside for faculty and staff enrolled in specific courses or programs (e.g. CAE, Mindfulness).
Loan Period | Depends on item |
Maximum Number | Depends on item |
Renewals |
1 week and up to 3 renewals Items that have a hold aren't renewable. |
If you need an item that's currently out to another borrower, you can request a reserve (or hold) on that item. Your name will be added to the item's waiting list and you'll be notified by email when the item is available for you to borrow.
There are no fines for overdue materials. You'll receive automatic reminders for any items that are overdue and will have the option to return or renew.
If library materials are not returned or are returned in damaged condition, the following item charges will apply.
Books, Magazines, and DVDs |
Replacement cost ($15 minimum) plus
Equipment |
Replacement cost ($15 minimum) plus
A suspension of your library borrowing privileges will occur if any of these situations apply:
A bill will be issued in these scenarios, in addition to a suspension of borrowing privileges. All privileges will be restored once the bill is paid or overdue items are returned. Learn about paying bills.