Cheating is the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
Akimov, A., & Malin, M. (2020). When old becomes new: a case study of oral examination as an online assessment tool, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(8), p. 1205-1221.
Assiniboine College. (2023). Policy A25.
Australian Government: TEQSA (2017). Good practice note: addressing contract cheating to safeguard academic integrity.
Awdry R., & Newton, P. M. (2019). Staff views on commercial contract cheating in higher education: A survey study in Australia and the UK. Higher Education, 78(4), 593-610.
Bertram Gallant, T. (2008). Academic integrity in the 21st century: a teaching and learning imperative. Jossey-Bass.
Bertram Gallant, T. (2017). Academic integrity as a teaching & learning issue: from theory to practice. Theory Into Practice, 56(2), 88-94.
Bertram Gallant, T. (2018). Course design, assessment & integrity: strange bedfellows?
Bretag, T., Harper, R., Burton, M., Ellis, C., Newton, P., van Haeringen, K., Saddiqui, S., & Rozenberg, P. (2019). Contract cheating and assessment design: exploring the relationship. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 676-691.
Clarke, R., & Lancaster, T. (2007). Establishing a systematic six-stage process for detecting contract cheating, in 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2007, (New York, NY: ICPCA 2007), 342–347.
Deale, C.S., Lee, S.H., Bae, J, & White, B. (2020). An exploratory study of educators' and students' perceptions of collaboration versus cheating in hospitality and tourism education, Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 20(2), 89-104.
Eaton, S.E. (2018). 15 strategies to detect contract cheating.
Eaton, S. E., Chibry, N., Toye, M. A., & Rossi, S. (2019). Interinstitutional perspectives on contract cheating: a qualitative narrative exploration from Canada. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 15(9). 1-17.
Ellis, C., Zucker, I., & Randall, D. (2018). The infernal business of contract cheating: Understanding the business processes and models of academic custom writing sites. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 14(1), 1-21.
Hersey, C. (2019). The struggle is real! #Ineedapaperfast. Presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, AB.
Lancaster, T., & Clarke, R. (2016). Contract cheating: the outsourcing of assessed student work. In: Bretag, T. (ed.) Handbook of academic integrity. Springer.
Morris, E. J. (2018). Academic integrity matters: five considerations for addressing contract cheating. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 14(15),
Newton, P. (2018). How common is commercial contract cheating in higher education and is it increasing? A systematic review. Frontiers in Education, 3(67), https:/
Newton, P. M., & Lang, C. (2016). Custom essay writers, freelancers, and other paid third parties. In: Bretag, T. (ed.) Handbook of Academic Integrity. Springer.
Rogerson, A.M. (2017). Detecting contract cheating in essay and report submissions: process, patterns, clues and conversations. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 13(10). https:/
Sutton, A., & Taylor, D. (2011). Confusion about collusion: working together and academic integrity. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(7), 831-841.
Toye, M., Rossi, S., Chibry, N., & Eaton, S.E. (2019). Contract cheating: a view from three Calgary post-secondary institutions. Presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, AB.
Whitley, B.E., & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2012). Academic dishonesty: an educator's guide. Psychology Press.
Yorke, J., Sefcik, L., & Veeran-Colton, T. (2020). Contract cheating and blackmail: A risky business? Studies in Higher Education.