The APA style manual covers many major publication types, but business databases present unique challenges for citation. When stating from where you retrieved the information, the only URLs you should give are those on the open Internet (as opposed to URLs from sites that require you to login).
Be sure to check with your instructor for any specific citation requirements.
With minor formatting changes, the references provided by the CanLII database are acceptable at Assiniboine. Copy the reference provided by CanLII, then change the formatting to match the examples below.
Bartello v. Canada Post Corp., 1987 CanLII 177 (ON SC), <>, retrieved on 2023-11-21
Canada Post Corp v. Canada (Minister of Public Works) (C.A.), 1995 CanLII 3574 (FCA), [1995] 2 FC 110, <>, retrieved on 2023-11-21
Canada Post Corp. v. Canadian Union of Postal Workers, 2019 SCC 67 (CanLII), [2019] 4 SCR 900, <>, retrieved on 2023-11-21
Bartello v. Canada Post Corp., 1987 CanLII 177 (ON SC).
Canada Post Corp. v. Canada (Minister of Public Works) (C.A.), 1995 CanLII 3574 (FCA), [1995] 2 FC 110.
Canada Post Corp. v. Canadian Union of Postal Workers, 2019 SCC 67 (CanLII), [2019] 4 SCR 900.
When quoting directly from a case in CanLII in your assignment, include the paragraph number(s) in your in-text citation to help the reader locate the information. You may have to count the paragraphs manually to determine what number to assign.
Ask your instructor if they require the inclusion of paragraph numbers.
If using Zotero to create your reference list, do the following to cite a CanLII case:
Typically, there is no individual author for a company or association website, so the company is the corporate author. The italicized title is the name of the webpage or web article. If the content is not dated, use "n.d." instead.
Ford Motor Company. (2009). About Ford.
National Restaurant Association. (2015). Restaurant performance index. Research/Research/
Most profiles do not have a personal author name, but you can use the corporate name of the publisher or database instead. Notice that you designate what kind of information this is in the square brackets. If you can't find a date, use n.d. instead.
Economic Development Brandon. (n.d.). Behlen Industries LP [Company profile].
PrivCo Media, LLC. (2018). Mary Kay profile and business model [Company profile]. PrivCo.
When referencing IBISWorld content, you include the date that you accessed the information. This is because content in the IBISWorld database is designed to change over time.
When an author name is listed, use it in your reference. If an author isn't listed, leave the author out of your reference. In this case, the report title will move to the front of your reference.
Author(s). (Publication year). Report title (Industry Report #). IBISWorld. Retrieved date, from
Report title (Industry Report #). (Publication year). IBISWorld. Retrieved date, from
Le, T. (2024). Coffee & snack shops in Canada (Industry Report 72221BCA). IBISWorld. Retrieved August 30, 2024, from
Coffee & snack shops in Canada (Industry Report 72221BCA). (2024). IBISWorld. Retrieved date, from
If using Zotero to create your reference list, do the following to cite an IBISWorld report:
You can usually find an author of a press release. Use a specific date rather than just the year. You may have retrieved a press release from a website or from a database, and the citation should reflect that.
Franco, J. (2010, November 11). Four in five adults say that being able to charge their devices wirelessly would make life easier.
The owner of the page is the author and the social media platform is the title if it is a page in LinkedIn or Facebook. For Twitter, the title is the actual tweet. You should indicate the date you retrieved it as well.
American Marketing Association. (n.d.). Home [LinkedIn page}. LinkedIn. Retrieved September 22, 2021 from
ACC Library [@ACCLIBR]. (2019, April 23). Come out for Cram Jam today! We're open late to help students get ready for exams or work on projects. Reduce stress by cuddling with some furry friends and enjoy free pizza snacks! [Tweet]. Twitter.
The author is the stock exchange name from which you got the price. Notice that you need to be specific about the date, since prices change constantly. In the section for where you retrieved it, state where you found it with a database name if behind authentication or with a URL if on the open Internet.
NYSE. (2015, June 24). Starbucks Corporation [Stock quote and chart]. Retrieved October 30, 2017 from
Adapted and used with permission from Southern Methodist University Library.