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Test Centre

Dragon Naturally Speaking for Test Accommodations

One form of testing accommodation is having exam answer scribed - this means you speak your answers out loud and someone, or a piece of software, writes your words down. For this we use Dragon Naturally Speaking, an assistive software that converts speech into text. Alana’s case, below, shows how useful Dragon Naturally Speaking can be for testing:

Alana requires a scribe for her tests. She is trained on the Dragon Naturally Speaking software which will convert her spoken answers to text. To write her test, Alana:

  • books a private testing room
  • uses Dragon Naturally Speaking so her spoken answers can be converted into text
    • Alana prefers this to a human scribe because it's more efficient and provides independence.

Note: To use Dragon Naturally Speaking for accommodated testing, you must book a training session with the Learning Curve. You must be trained before your first accommodated test.


The Learning Curve staff offers training sessions for Dragon Naturally Speaking. They can also help you improve your test taking skills so your answers are clear and concise.


Holly’s case, below, shows how the Learning Curve staff can help.

Holly is eligible for the accommodation of a scribe and will use the speech to text software, Dragon Naturally Speaking, for her tests and exams. Although the software helps her, Holly finds that her answers are long and unorganized - she just talks and talks. The Learning Curve helps Holly:

  • identify strategies for organizing her thoughts before dictating
  • practice speaking her thought-out answers using Dragon Naturally Speaking
    • Holly now uses the software when composing emails, papers, and reports. Her instructors are impressed with how Holly’s written work has improved.

Additional Training

After your first training session with the Learning Curve, review these resources for more help.