All sessions can be improved if adapted to course content. For best results, contact Library staff with your related assessment and timeline. Library sessions are available to all Assiniboine campuses and sites either in-person or via Zoom.
Students learn how to access relevant information through the Assiniboine Library, opening up not only Assiniboine's 20,000+ item collection, but many others through interlibrary loan services.
Students are introduced to the features and services of the ACC library, and have them develop skills in information literacy: how to locate, evaluate, and use information.
Students receive an overview of the values of academic integrity, informed by Assiniboine's membership with the International Center for Academic Integrity. Using Assiniboine's policy A25, which refers to "Student Honesty and Integrity", students will learn how and why they should avoid the various forms of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, collusion, and contract cheating.