Business data like:
can be found using a combination of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) which:
and Industry Canada databases. Businesses listed in NAICS are assigned a NAICS code.
NAICS codes can change every 5 years. We are currently using the 2022 version, with the next version scheduled for 2027.
NAICS codes are free to search through many websites, or through databases like IBISWorld.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2017, December 13). NAICS [Video]. YouTube.
Find the NAICS code for your proposed business. Use the code in combination with Industry Canada databases to find data such as: selected revenue/expense items; balance sheet; financial ratios; and profitable vs. non-profitable business.
"Financial Performance Data provides access to more than 1000 industries across Canada, including more than 30 performance benchmarks to help small businesses determine how they measure up to their competitors." - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Keep in mind these articles won't give you the statistics you get from Statistics Canda, but they may provide insight into your business.
Search for articles and other resources related to your area of study in a variety of databases through EBSCOhost.
IC "Your NAICS Number" (e.g. IC "311811")