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Theories of Aging: Gerontological Client Profile

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply common research techniques including identification of keywords, how to read a research article, and citation chaining to find relevant information for your assignment.
  2. Make use of databases and websites to find relevant information for your assignment.
  3. Choose books to borrow from the Library and use keywords to search the Library's catalogue.
  4. Determine credibility, accuracy, reliability, and relevance of information for your assignment.
  5. Make use of the Library's APA style resources and tools to create your reference list and in-text citations.
  6. Construct well-organized paragraphs in your paper.

Assignment Requirements

Within your assignment, you're expected to:

  1. Provide at least two references

This means you're to use at least two sources of information to support the observations and arguments in your paper. In the following pages, we'll guide you through how to find information for this assignment.